Unique environments open our minds. Nature brings us back to our Source. Skilled instruction expands our boundaries. The Soul Farm 300 hour teacher training offers all three to create an advanced yoga teacher training that is as unique as it is motivating. A yoga instructor searching for an advanced teacher training is certainly looking to expand their knowledge of asana, anatomy, meditation, pranayama, and lifestyle. But, they are also looking to become a more confident and skilled instructor.
They are looking for ways to make their classes sing. They are looking to feed their own practice so they can share with renewed vitality. Building confidence and navigating the challenges of teaching, making connections, and refining teaching skills are very pertinent reasons to embark on an advanced training. This training, with its monthly retreat-style immersions as well as weekly zoom classes will bring you back to your classes with new vitality and ideas.
How is this training unique?
Soul Farm 300 Hour Teacher Training utilizes several retreat-style immersions to create the optimal experience to learn and retain. As many of the retreats as possible will take place at Soul Farm. The Soul Farm property will allow us to eat from the garden, take long forest bathing meditations, practice under the oaks, and work on communication and leadership with the Soul Farm horses. This connection with the natural world will help you to become very grounded in teaching and understanding of the universal principals of the science of Yoga.
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