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Online Classes

Our retreat season ends in September, but the spiritual lessons Soul Farm offers continue year around. 

Winter Solstice Practice
Saturday, December 21
Online via Zoom, recording available for 7 days

The winter solstice is the true New Years Eve of nature. It signals the longest night of the year. We can consider it both the beginning, and the ending of a cycle. What a beautiful night to gather with your yoga community for a special practice. We will set intention, flow, meditate and renew. This is an all-levels practice. Light a candle, put on some melodic music, and join us.

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Honoring the Crone
January 6, 13, 20, 27
Monday evenings, 6:30 – 7:45pm
Presented live via Zoom. Recorded and accessible until February 3
$60 for 4 sessions

Join me for a sharing of feminine wisdom and an all-levels yoga flow practice

Winter, dark and introspective, is the season of the Crone. The Crone, or Wise Woman archetype is less about age, and more about the wisdom that comes with age and experience. We all have aspects of the Crone within us, either waiting to be or already activated.

Typically, we are told the crone years begin around age 50, or at Menopause. However, we can also feel the crone activated after an experience, accomplishment, sacrifice or difficult transformation in our life that brings lessons and wisdom. Full membership in the club may not arrive until many such experiences, but when a woman leans into the lessons learned from difficulty, she is setting a course to becoming a wise woman, or the Crone.

An important aspect of the Crone energy is having the ability to share one’s wisdom. In this series, we will learn from our community of wise women. I will send you some prompts to help you tap into life experiences that have offered great learning potential. I will ask for contributions from each of you sharing a learned wisdom in any form, ranging from a simple statement to more descriptive stories. During each class, I will share one or more of these quotes or stories, and expand upon the lessons with supporting yoga philosophy. We will learn from and be inspired by each other.

Naturally, you do not need to contribute anything, if simply soaking up shared knowledge feels right.  And, anything you do contribute can remain anonymous.

After the philosophy, we will work into an all-levels flow practice. After class, I’ll stay on Zoom so anyone who would like an interactive chat can take part. We can dive deeper into the lesson, non-recorded.

Your words and wisdom may be just what a sister needs to hear, and what YOU need to hear may awaiting from one of the wise women among us. As winter approaches, let us honor the Crone in each of us.

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